For the Love of Lincoln

A reflection from our Vice President, Nicole Puryear. Class of 1986


Nicole, in her senior year at Lincoln.

Back in the day, when I was attending Lincoln Academy, it just seemed like a regular high school. A building full of teenagers that complained about teachers giving too much work, and administrators that clearly didn’t understand that fun and shenanigans were a top priority. But to be fair, we didn’t always complain. Some of the teachers were actually kinda cool, and some administrators let us have a little fun. Also, to be extra fair, there were those that engaged in more than their fair share of shenanigans. I wasn’t one of them, but if you graduated in 1986, you know who you are!

It wasn’t until after I graduated and was attending college that I began to understand how great of an education I had received. I had college friends that despite having made good grades in their high school courses, found themselves struggling. I realized that my experience at Lincoln had prepared me and I was able to hold my own academically.

In more recent years, I was invited to become a member and join the board of the Lincoln High/R.T. Coles National Alumni Association. Our main focus is to give annual scholarships to graduating seniors. It felt amazing (and a little surreal) to stand on stage in the auditorium and present scholarships to the well-deserving seniors that had been selected that year. I have also had the privilege to learn more about Lincoln’s history of Black educational excellence from some of the alumni whose shoulders I was unknowingly standing on those many years ago.


Nicole, now Vice President of LHRTC.

As the current Vice President, I invite all alumni, and those that attended Lincoln, to join our alumni association. We need you to help us reinvigorate the organization! As the name states, we are a national association, so no matter where you live, you can become a member. If your individual class gives scholarships, keep doing what you’re doing, you can still become a member. In addition, for the remainder of the year, membership is FREE. So I encourage you to go complete our simple form to become a member today!


Calling all 1970-1989 Alumni!


LCPA 2019 Football Season