LH/R.T. Coles “Game Day”
On November 3, 2018, the Lincoln High/R.T. Coles National Alumni Association held an event from 11:00 am-6:00 pm that was known as "Game Day". It was held at the Alpha House on Swope Parkway. Games and refreshments were available to those who attended.
Several of the attendees joined or renewed their membership. Also several of the attendees donated to the scholarship fund. The day was successful from that point of view.
On behalf of the Alumni Association and the Board of Directors I wish to extend our gratitude to all who participated.
If you wish to donate to the scholarship fund you may do so by going to: www.gofundme.com/lincolnrtcoles-alumni-assoc or by check or money order to LH/RT Coles National Alumni Assoc. Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 270374, Kansas City, MO. 64127.
The Board is going to take a short break for the holidays but will be returning after the holidays to present more programs, so stay tuned.
Ronald Walton, President, LH/R.T. Coles National Alumni Association